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Karlovy Vary

Why bother to see the bad state of Czech when you can go to a small idyllic Czech town made just for you, though this town has nothing to do with Czech except that it is on the Czech ground. Karlovy Vary is architecturally almost as interesting as Prague but in a far more compact form. Actually differences are quite small, as even a river goes through the town.

There are two streets in Karlovy Vary that you like to walk, going along banks. Stay on these streets and you can leave the place without knowing what life is. If you dare to take off from these streets you’ll see that there might be life after souvenir shops. They have put huge amounts of money to repair the town and that money hasn’t come from locals. Do you know guy named Ibrahimovits who a while ago bought some soccer team from England? Do you know where he got the money to buy that team? Well, I don’t know either, but with same kind of I-don’t-know-where money bought Karlovy Vary. Nowadays Russians own 70% of Karlovy Vary.

Well, they haven’t spent their money for nothing. Karlovy Vary is nice bath town in the middle of nature. You should step aside from the main street and explore the near by hills from where you’ll see Karlovy Vary from very different aspect. Karlovy Vary is on the border of Germany and that’s why it is full of German tourists licking many litres of the bad tasting mineral water that city springs offer. They use these funny looking cups that you can buy from every souvenir shop in town. There are many springs around Karlovy Vary and some of them are over 70 degrees of Celsius warm, so you should prepare your self with teabags to calm down the taste of fart.

At least the Russians have left something nice to the town. Karlovy Vary is in excellent shape compared to other small towns in Czech. The most beautiful building in the town is the fairy tail like Orthodox Church of St. Peter and Paul with nice Russian stylish onion domes. Prise level of Karlovy Vary was a nice surprise, as it was lower then in Prague despite of German tourists. Drinking the fart water was free but then on the other hand they take double prise when you wanted to give it back to the nature. Czechs really know their way with money. Karlovy Vary is nice town for one-day trip and in the evening you can go to spas, which are nowadays more medical like then amusement. In two days you’ll get bored and should go to explore the ‘wilderness’ of Bohemia.

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